Monday, November 14, 2011

-Do you have a diploma ? – No, I am French

    While Tunisians, Egyptian, Libyans and Syrians have taken to the streets in waves to topple their authoritarian regime, Moroccans, mainly in Tangier and Tetouan, are doing so in troops to topple the French companies that  were confided with the mission of handling their cities water and electricity distribution network. So, how can we boast about our independence while French companies are still holding the reins of the most vital public services? The answer is always the painful reality that French occupation left from the door to return from the rear window in the form of giant companies whose interests have been already guaranteed by a hodgepodge of opportunists in the Independence party. Veolia, Lydec, RYDAL, Amandes and many others are actually real vampires that have been plundering and torturing the Moroccans in a sadistically and with an unconditional aid of a bunch of cousins and colleagues who were taught and trained in  « l’École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées de Paris » and other elite schools in France.
    Lately, all Moroccans got shocked when they heard of Sarkosy’s inauguration of the TGV high speed train production that was assigned to Alstom, another French multinational company. We all asked sarcastically « are we really in need to TGV while mules and donkeys are still the main means of transport for aconsiderable number of Moroccans who also think days and nights before getting into a dilapidated trains either fearing for their safety or lacking money for the expensive ticket? ». The truth is that it is France which is in dire need to sign profitable deals for its hungary and drooling companies and Alstom was the one that was saved from the crisis that is storming Europe these days and the Moroccans are the ones who will pay the bill and save France from Greece nightmare. When we talk about TGV of course we talk also about what follows the manufacturing, meaning  maintenance, renovation, services, training and above all the employment of the French idles.
     I once had the misfortune to meet a French citizen thinking she was a tourist, but later in the discussion I discovered that she works for a French company here in Morocco and when I asked her about her degree, she replied proudly « I am French » as if her nationality is enough to guarantee her a respected job with a great salary. Actually, Morocco has become mecca for the unemployed and desperate French people who are seeking work and the only diploma they may have is their ID card or their red passport.
    After having their unemployed people appointed and settled in good jobs in Morocco, the French government launched what is now called the “May 31 Circular” demanding a stricter application of the law regarding the status of foreign students applying for work permits and demanding a tightening of the number of permits issued. Accordingly, Several Moroccan graduates students have been catapulted back to Morocco after being denied a work permit. Therefore, the Moroccan expiring government that fails to deal with the local unemployment has to find a way out to absorb a flow of graduates coming from France. Some of these students have studied in the most pionnering of the French institutions and imbidded its culture and ideology and went the whole hog. What I am afraid from is having  another lobby, ready more than the first to secure the French economic existence in Morocco, but we have to bear in mind that France is still holding the colonizer mentality and Morocco, as long as being held by those betrayers,  will remain backyard  garden.
     France relations with Morocco are governed by interest and nothing but the interest of its giant companies and its people and Sarkozy who had once the guts to deny the overthrown Zero Ben Ali's request to host him in France won’t give it a second thought to throw away the Moroccan students for the prosperity and safety of his country. 

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